Spaceframe Team – Unite and get their PAWS to the pavement
The team from Spaceframe Buildings are pushing themselves to run Bridge to Brisbane and pushing their fundraising target to help even more people.
The Raspotnik family raised more than $110,000 for Guide Dogs by participating in the 2017, 2018 & 2019 Bridge to Brisbane events, in honour of their own family member Christine Raspotnik, who sadly passed away in 2014.
A cause close to their heart because of Christine’s vision loss and the support received by Guide Dogs, Team Spaceframe is now one of Guide Dogs’ biggest supporters – with the aim of raising $70,000 for this year’s Bridge to Brisbane.
Joint managing director Jane Raspotnik said the team was always inspired by her mum’s memory, but the recent Guide Dogs miracle had only motivated the team to do more this year.
Guide Dogs Queensland Chief Executive Officer Michael Kightley thanked Spaceframe Buildings for purchasing a humidicrib with the money they raised last year, which was instrumental in the survival of the ‘Miracle Litter’.
“We could not have achieved some of the incredible things we have in the past without the generous support of Spaceframe Buildings and everyone who chooses Guide Dogs for their community fundraising,” he said.

Ava’s Story – Youth Ambassador Success

Ava draws her inspiration from her younger brother Lindsay, but she is determined to help more than just her little brother.The 11-year-old became a Guide Dogs Queensland Youth Ambassador late last year after Lindsay attended a Kids’ Camp for children living with vision loss. In just a few weeks she raised $1,700. This year, she’s aiming even higher.
“I know it is really expensive to train just one Guide Dog, so that also inspired me. There’s over 30 Queenslanders wanting a Guide Dog who don’t currently have one, so I wanted to help. If Lindsay needs a Guide Dog when he’s older, I would want to help make that happen."
Dining with a PAWpose – Dining in the Dark
Our dedicated fundraisers and volunteers Graeme and Barbra arrange a dining experience to raise much needed funds for Guide Dog by hosting an annual Dining in the Dark event in conjunction with their community group at Redcliffe. Over the past several years Dining in the Dark at Redcliffe has raised in excess of $30,000 for Guide Dogs Queensland which has assisted the funding of our Guide Dog Program.
Dining in the Dark is a great way for members of the community to host a simple, fun and informative event while creating awareness around how low vision impacts thousands of Queenslanders.
Host your very own Dining in the Dark event today.

Making an impact for Guide Dogs through fundraising is a truly powerful way to support our Guide Dogs, Mobility Services and Suppport Services that we offer to the community.