Unleash your PAWtential!
Champion Fundraisers
- Online fundraising page to manage, track, share & celebrate!
- Official Youth Abassador starter pack.
- Inspirational Badges for goals achieved online.
- Rewards - Incentive Prizes to motivate!
Join the Pack
Register to become an official Youth Ambassador today. There is no cost involved. Complete the online reigstration form and you are on your way to being a CHAMPION !
To become a Youth Ambassador CHAMPION for Guide Dogs, we challenge kids to commit to hosting 2 fundraising activities across the school year. There are loads of simple ways you can do this, check out our resource page for more details. There are also some great REWARDS to be earned along the way!
Once you are registered and have a plan for your fundraising activities we will post you out your offical Youth Ambassador Starter Pack. Make sure you keep an eye on the post for this. You will also be issued your very own online fundraising page to personalise and get started on right away!
Fetch Your Rewards

Pawsome Pup
Raise $250
and receive your PAWSOME PUP badge + Prize Level 1

Helping Hero
Raise $500

Guide Dog Graduate
Raise $1,000
Top Fundraising Ideas

Free/Theme Dress Day

Bark-B-Q or Pupcake Stall

Reach out to your school community or visit your local businesses and see if they can donate
some prizes to host a raffle.